Switch Witch: The What, Why and How on this New Halloween Tradition
If you're a parent of little ones, chances are you've heard of the Switch Witch Halloween tradition, but you might not know exactly what it is, how it works or if it's a good idea for your family. In this blog, We're going to break it down for you :)

Let's break it down: The Switch Witch is a good witch that visits your house while your kids sleep, takes their Halloween candy and switches it for an awesome toy!
If you want a little more of a breakdown so you can really sell the story to your kids, here's a little more information you can use:
The Switch Witch is a good witch lives on the dark side of the moon with her black cat Zoom who LOVES candy. In fact, Zoom loves candy SO much that the Switch Witch travels all over the world, eager to trade amazing toys to little boys and girls in exchange for some of their Halloween candy stash. Of course, the boys and girls can keep a little candy for themselves, but the more they give the Switch Witch, the better their toy will be. This only happens once every year, because Zoom eats all of the candy over the course of the whole year. Then, just as he starts to run out of candy, it’s Halloween time again and time for another visit from the Switch Witch ;)
Isn't that so fun?! We've even heard a few moms who get visits from the switch witch every Halloween, and their kids end up anticipating the toy and the switch each year even more than their Halloween candy. It really can be a super fun additional tradition to add into your family!!
Okay so by now you're probably loving the idea, but you're asking yourself how can I make this work for my family and what kind of toys does the Switch Witch bring? Well the good news is, that is totally up to you!!! You can choose to do a couple of small toys or gifts in a Halloween themed basket like this cute witch and black cat themed basket! OR you can do one bigger toy. It's all up to whatever you think your kiddos will love the most!
Sounds good to us! We absolutely LOVE helping moms and families celebrate fun traditions in the easiest way possible which is why we've created a "Trick-or-Treat Candy Switch Witch Printable Set" in our shop that has everything you need to make this unique Halloween tradition come to life!
In this set, you'll find pre-designed self-editable Canva files including a Switch Witch Letter to your kids, note cards to let the witch know how much candy she’s swapping, and a flag banner to place in the candy bag so she know's where to stop. And for a magical touch, the pastel retro colors will add a spellbinding flair to any Halloween night.

A few things you might want to consider having on hand when using our printable sets (and specifically this Switch Witch set) are:
Want to go beyond the Switch Witch idea? Spookify your kids' even further with these Halloween Temporary Tattoo Printables! Simply print on tattoo paper and your kids will be rocking super cool, colorful ghoulish designs. Download includes 4 different color schemes, perfect for any creepy costume! Let them become a mini-spookster after you download these instantly by by signing up for my newsletter below :)
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